Street & Still Life Photo Album

EGO Cafe
Canon EOS 60D, EF-S 18-55,
ISO 640, 1/8, f.5

"Ego is one of many cafe in Malang. 
With candle light in every table, i think there's romantic enough.
The Ego Cafe, Malang
1 April 2011, 10.44pm"

Canon EOS 60D, EF-S 18-55,
ISO 1600, 1/6, f.8

"Not like in Indonesia,  a restaurant in Singapore have many different additional with unique taste.
Singapore, 1 July 2011, 12.27pm"

Berawal dari Tanah Liat
Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 2500, 1/15, f.4

"This photo was taken in Malang Tempoe Doeloe 2012. In past, toys from clay is famous toys for kids, because its safe and cheap.
Ijen, Malang Tempoe Doeloe, Malang, 24 May 2012, 5.31pm"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 1600, 1/80, f.4

"Wayang, is Javanese famous theater. Their performance accompanied with Gamelan . Batarayudha is one of the title that often shown. This is one of Indonesian Haritage that we must conserved.
Ijen, Malang Tempoe Doeloe, Malang, 24 May 2012, 5.25pm"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 1600, 1/60, f.2.8

"When i go to Cibaduyut, i see many sneaker that arranged randomly . 
Their colorful for me has uniqueness.
Cibaduyut, Bandung, 12 June 2012, 11.50am"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 6400, 1/250, f.2.8

"While i wait a show in Trans Studio, 
i see a unique and interesting floor. Quite simple but their purple.
Trans Studio, Bandung, 12 June 2012 6.38pm"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 6400, 1/40, f.4
"Nice Hulk 3D images. like try to quit from wall and see how emosional he is.
Trans Studio, Bandung, 12 June 2012, 6.58pm"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 100, 1/250, f.8

"Beach, couple, love, romantic, i think that is best word for describe how beautiful Parangtritis beach in Jogja. Parangtritis is one of famous beach in Jogja that tourism like to come there.
Parangtritis, Yogyakarta, 26 June 2012, 3.38pm"

Mobil Kayu Berdebu
Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 1000, 1/80, f.2.8

"This dusty toys show that they haven't touched for a long time. Wooden toys is a pride handycraft there, but only some people love it.
Saung near Kawah Putih, Bandung, 22 June 2012, 1.34pm" 

Boneka Kayu
Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 5000, 1/25, f.4

"Funny wooden puppet displayed in front office desk. 
With many expression and many color make this puppet more unique.
Hummingbird Hotels, Bandung, 22 June 2012, 10.00pm"

Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 17-50,
ISO 640, 1/50, f/2.8

"Array of many Canon lens when we have UKM Scope display in Ma Chung University. 
From Right, Ef-s 10-22, Ef-s 55-250, Ef-s 18-55, Ef-s 18-55 in 550D, and Ef 50m.
Ma Chung University, Malang, 26 July 2012, 1.54pm"

Sepeda Onthel
Canon EOS 60D, EF 35mm,
ISO 500, 1/320, f/4.0

"Jogja is city with many heritage and culture. Sepeda Onthel is one famous transportation at Jogja. This miniature, describe how unique sepeda onthel, and many craftsmen their life from make this miniature.
Malioboro, Jogjakarta, 28 December 2012, 11.58am"